

    Kerberos security vulnerability in SSH-1.2.27


    Richard E. Silverman found following.  Software addected is
    SSH 1.2.27 with Kerberos authentication support compiled in (i.e.
    "configure --with-kerberos5").

    When  logging  in  a  user,   sshd  sets  the  user's   KRB5CCNAME
    environment  variable   to  the   value  "none".    If  the   user
    subsequently makes  use of  Kerberos in  that login  session (e.g.
    does a  kinit), Kerberos  tickets will  be stored  in a file named
    "none"  in  the  current  directory.   This  is  inappropriate and
    presents significant  risk of  disclosure of  the user's  Kerberos
    tickets, via insecure file-sharing  protocols such as NFS  or SMB,
    or other methods.

    It is important to note that this bug occurs regardless of whether
    Kerberos authentication  is actually  being used  for the  current
    session; merely  compiling in  Kerberos support  is sufficient  to
    cause the problem.

    Kerberos tickets are sensitive information, and stealing them  may
    allow  an  attacker  to  impersonate  the  legitimate user for the
    lifetime of the ticket.  The ticket cache is normally kept on  the
    local host  in a  directory set  aside for  such usage, e.g. /tmp.
    Placing the Kerberos  ticket cache in  the current directory  is a
    serious problem.  For example:

    * Upon  login, the  current directory  the user's  home directory,
      often an NFS-mounted filesystem.  This means that tickets may be
      sent in the clear over the network via NFS.

    * Since the pathname ("none")  is relative, tickets may be  placed
      in  unpredictable  locations,  depending  on the user's actions.
      Even though Kerberos  sets the protections  of the ticket  cache
      file  restrictively,  in  this  situation  they might be placed,
      say,  in  a  directory  with  an  inherited ACL which gives read
      access to someone else, or on a removable medium.

    The problem is  especially bad because  the user may  never notice
    it.  As  long as he  or she stays  in the same  directory with the
    cache file, Kerberos will operate normally.  Only careful  reading
    of the output of klist, for example, will reveal the change.

    This bug arises from confusion in the source code about the  value
    of this variable:

        char *ticket = "none\0";

    This variable holds  file pathname to  be used on  the remote side
    for  the  ticket  cache,  if  a  forwarded  Kerberos  TGT has been
    obtained.   There appears  to be  some inconsistency  about how to
    interpret the  value of  this variable.   In some  places, the SSH
    source compares *ticket to the string "none" to determine  whether
    a forwarded ticket is available; e.g.:

        #ifdef KERBEROS
              /* If you forwarded a ticket you get one shot for proper
                 authentication. */
              /* If tgt was passed unlink file */
              if (ticket){
                  if (strcmp(ticket,"none"))
                    /* ticket -> FILE:path */
                    unlink(ticket + 5);
                    ticket = NULL;
        #endif /* KERBEROS */

    But, setting  and testing  the pointer  against the  NULL value is
    also used.  In particular, here:

        if (ticket)
          child_set_env(&env, &envsize, "KRB5CCNAME", ticket);

    It  is  possible  for  this  line  to  be  reached with the ticket
    variable still  pointing to  the string  "none", which  causes the


    Richard has contacted SSH  Communicators Security about this,  and
    they  have  just  released  ssh-1.2.29,  which fixes this problem.
    1.2.30 will do the same.

    To fix this quick, change this:

        if (ticket)
          child_set_env(&env, &envsize, "KRB5CCNAME", ticket);

    to this:

        if (ticket && strcmp("none",ticket))
          child_set_env(&env, &envsize, "KRB5CCNAME", ticket);