sshd (scp)


    SSH 1.2.xx, OpenSSH 2.2.0p1


    Michal Zalewski found following.   This issue appears quite  often
    -  tar  suffers  from  problem  of  this  kind as well (using cute
    symlink tricks, you can  create an archive, which,  when unpacked,
    can  overwrite  or   create  specific  files   anywhere  in   your
    filesystem).  This time, similar scp vulnerability has been  found
    and  acknowledged  in  sshd  1.2.xx  releases  (no  information on

    When  you  are  scp'ing  files  from  remote machine to your local
    computer, modified scp  service on the  second endpoint can  spoof
    legitimate scp data, overwriting arbitrary files.

    As a proof of concept, Michal created trivial scp replacement (put
    it on remote machine in the place of original scp binary - usually
    in /usr/local/bin).   It will  try to  exploit any  file transfer,
    creating setuid /tmp/ScpIsBuggy file on client system:


        echo "D0755 0 ../../../../../../tmp/nope"
        echo "D0755 0 ../../../../../../tmp"
        echo "C4755 200 ScpIsBuggy"
        dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/stdout bs=200 count=1 2>/dev/null
        dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/stdout bs=1 count=2 2>/dev/null

    This isn't really nice.  After SSH become popular, people  started
    to transfer  files using  scp (both  user files  and backups, logs
    etc).  Successful  exploitation of single  server (or even  single
    account) might cause futher intrusions on client machines.

    Another thing  we can  imagine -  automated scp  worm, which will,
    after intrusion, intercept futher scp sessions (eg. using  ptrace)
    to  send  itself  to  remote  system  (and,  probably, doing other
    operations as well). This  doesn't actually require it  to operate
    on privledged level.

    What's  probably  the  most  alarming,  there  is no simple way to
    detect such attack - path is stripped before displaying  filenames
    on client side - in above example, you'll see successful  transfer
    of ScpIsBuggy file, suggesting  it has been downloaded  in current
    directory.  Also, file modes  are not verified, so suid  files can
    be placed in remote system (but that's not the point, even without
    it, remote attack eg.  on .ssh/authorized_keys is possible).

    Note that script above will work much better for you once that You
    remove  all  "of=/dev/stdout"  from  the  script.  All dd versions
    have stdout  as default  output target,  anyway.   The new version
    of script will create a 200 byte file alright:


        echo "D0755 0 ../../../../../../tmp/nope"
        echo "D0755 0 ../../../../../../tmp"
        echo "C4755 200 ScpIsBuggy"
        dd if=/dev/urandom bs=200 count=1 2>/dev/null
        dd if=/dev/zero bs=1 count=2 2>/dev/null

    OpenSSH-1.2.1 appears to create the file wherever you tell it  to,
    but refuses to set setuid bit on  it.  That's not quite as bad  as
    SSH 1.2 (which will even conveniently allow setting arbitrary file
    mode),  but  you  can  still  overwrite  ~/.ssh/authorized_keys or
    similar files to the same effect, as you point you.

    Openssh2.2.0p1 IS vulnerable,  but some change  is needed in  fake
    scp to exploit it.  Using scripts above could make suid  scpuser's
    file in /tmp, but probably due to some protocol change in scp, the
    file will be empty and scp will die with "lost connection".

    Since  openssh  2.2.0p1  is  latest  existing  version,  this  bug
    probably exist in every single scp version in the world.


    For Linux-Mandrake:

        Linux-Mandrake 7.0: 7.0/RPMS/openssh-2.1.1p3-4mdk.i586.rpm
        Linux-Mandrake 7.1: 7.1/RPMS/openssh-2.1.1p3-4mdk.i586.rpm