



    Following is based on a CORE Security Advisory CORE-20010116.  SSH
    is a widely used client-server application for authentication  and
    encryption of network communications.  In order to ensure that all
    data exchanged between  client and server  is kept confidential  a
    symmetric  algorithm  is  used  with  a  key obtained from the key
    exchange and authentication process done upon connection from  the
    client to an  SSH server.   A would be  attacker could obtain  and
    store  all  the   encrypted  packets  belonging   to  a   specific
    client-server  connection  but  that  would  provide no real value
    unless she is able to:
    - Decrypt  them  without  having  the  session  key  used for  the
      encryption This is equivalent  to breaking the crypto  algorithm


    - Exploit some design  or implementation problem on  either client
      or server to obtain the  session key and the proceed  to decrypt
      he  stored  session  using  any  implementation  of  the  crypto
      algorithm used.

    This advisory describes  a vulnerability in  the SSH 1.5  protocol
    that allows an attacker to do the later.  The key exchange in  SSH
    protocol 1.5  uses PKCS#1_1.5  public key  encryption standard  to
    make the key exchange between client and server upon connection.

    An attack discovered by David Bleichenbacher on PKCS#1_1.5 can  be
    exploited   to   recover   arbitrary   session   keys.   Combining
    Bleichenbacher's attack  with a  timing attack  designed to obtain
    information about crypto operations  performed on a SSH  server it
    is  possible  to  obtain  a  session  key  for  an SSH session and
    therefore decrypt it or even alter it if it is still active.

    All  versions  of  SSH  supporting  the protocol 1.5 key exchange.
    This vulnerability applies to SSH servers only.

    This vulnerability  was found  and researched  by Ariel  Waissbein
    and Agustin Azubel of CORE SDI.

    In Section 1 we introduce the  SSH1 key exchange, in Section 2  we
    introduce the attack, finally in Section 3 we discuss the attack's
    feasibility and argue  why it is  insecure to continue  using this

    1.1.- The keys
    Each host has a host unique permanent RSA key set which identifies
    it.  A host is a SSH server (referenced as server), which runs the
    'sshd' daemon or  a SSH client  (referenced as client)  which runs
    the  'ssh'  client  program.   The  length  of  the host key is by
    default 1024 bits.

    Each server has its own server RSA key set which is  automatically
    generated after  a specified  timeout (1  hour by  default).  This
    key set is never saved in any file.  The length of this key is  by
    default 768 bits.  In every client-to-server connection, a 256 bits
    session key is  generated by the  client using pseudo-random  data
    provided by the same client.   This session key will be used  in a
    symmetric algorithm (e.g. DES, Blowfish, 3DES) to encrypt the data
    flow on the connected channel after the key exchange is completed.

    To send the  session key over  an insecure channel  to the server,
    it is encrypted by the client  with the server key and the  server
    host key together with  other data using an  asymmetric encryption
    algorithm (RSA-PKCS #1 1.5) as we explain in Subsection 1.4.   The
    purpose of the two separate  server keys is to make it  impossible
    to decrypt a captured session by breaking into the server  machine
    and getting access  to the server  key at a  later time; one  hour
    after  the  connection  start  not  even  the  server  machine can
    decipher the session key!

    1.2.- Initiating a connection
    Whenever a client connects to  the server, the daemon forks.   The
    parent stays in a loop waiting to accept more connections and  the
    child manages the accepted connection.  Before authenticating both
    endpoints, they do an identification exchange.

    1.3.- The identification exchange
    First,  the  server  sends  a  formatted  string  to the client in
    plaintext,  specifying  the  protocol  supported  versions and the
    server version.  This string looks like  "SSH-1.99-OpenSSH_2.3.0",
    where  "1"  denotes  the  protocol  version major number, "99" the
    protocol version minor number and "OpenSSH_2.3.0" is the  software
    version of the server.

    If the client  does not support  the received protocol,  it closes
    the connection.   If the protocol  is supported by  the client, it
    responds with  a formatted  string of  the same  plaintext format.
    The server then checks the client's response.  If the versions  do
    not match or  the client version  is not valid,  the server closes
    the connection.   If the  versions do  match, the  key exchange is

    1.4.- The key exchange
    The server will send  both of its public  keys.  First the  server
    will fetch 64 bits from a PRNG,  that will be used as a cookie  to
    prevent IP  spoofing attacks  and TCP  sequence number prediction.
    This only affects rhosts authentication.

    The client  must send  back this  cookie when  the session  key is
    sent.  This only works  against somebody doing IP spoofing  from a
    remote network;  any machine  on the  local network  can still see
    outgoing packets and catch the random cookie.

    The  server  then  builds  a  packet  of type SSH_SMSG_PUBLIC_KEY,
    concatenating the  cookie, the  size of  the 'n'  component of the
    RSA server key, the 'e' public exponent of the RSA server key  and
    the modulus 'n' of the RSA server key (the public RSA server key),
    the size of the 'n' component of the RSA host key, the 'e'  public
    exponent of the RSA host key  and the modulus 'n' of the  RSA host
    key  (the  public  RSA  host  key),  the  SSH  protocol flags, the
    supported  symmetric  ciphers,  and  the  supported authentication

    Once the  client has  received the  SSH_SMSG_PUBLIC_KEY packet, it
    computes a session ID in the same way the server does:


    The session ID is equal to a MD5 hash of the concatenation of  the
    modulus of the host key of  the server, the modulus of the  server
    key and the server generated cookie.

        session_id := MD5(HostKey_RSAModulus||ServerKey_RSAModulus||Cookie)

    The length of a  session_id is the same  as the output of  the MD5
    function: 128 bits.

    The client generates a session key of 256 bits fetching data  from
    a PRNG.   This key will  be the used  in a symmetric  algorithm to
    encrypt all the future flow of this SSH session.

    Before this key is encrypted and sent, the first 128 bits of  this
    key, are XORed with the session_id.  The client then uses the  RSA
    algorithm (PKCS1 1.5) to  encrypt consecutively the XORed  session
    key and session_id with the  server key and host key.   Encryption
    is made using the smaller key first.

    Finally  the  client  builds  a  packet  containing  the symmetric
    algorithm to use, the  received cookie, the encrypted  session key
    and the SSH protocol flags and sends it to the server.

    The  server  receives  this  packet  and  retrieves  the symmetric
    algorithm chosen by the client and checks its compliance sending a
    "Warning: client  selects unsupported  cipher." message  if it  is

    It then  checks that  the received  cookie matches  the old cookie
    sent, sending another  error message if  it is not.   It retrieves
    the encrypted key, processes the SSH algorithm flags and  decrypts
    the session  key (OpenSSH  does an  integrity check  on the packet
    lenght before this).

    We explain this in  detail since it is  of great interest for  our
    attack.  To do this we introduce the PKCS #1 1.5 encoding.

    1.5 - PKCS#1 - 1.5 (from rsaglue.c in ssh-1.2.30)
    To send a message m using  a RSA public exponent e, with  a public
    modulus n, the encrypter encodes the message m as

        M := 0x00 || 0x02 || P || 0x00 || m

    where 0x00 and 0x02  are the value of  the first 2 bytes  in hexa,
    and P is an hexadecimal padding string containing no zero  octets.
    The ciphertext is:

        c := M^e mod (n) . (i.e. M to the e-th power modulo n)

    To recover m, the decrypter calculates c^d, where d is the private
    exponent, checks  whether the  first two  bytes are  0x00 and 0x02
    and  calls  the  function  fatal()  in  log-server.c  closing  the
    connection if the  check failed.   Otherwise it sets  all the data
    after  the  second  zero  as  the  message  (in case the format is
    correct this will return m).   OpenSSH uses OpenSSL which  behaves
    different,  see  the  RSA_padding_check_PCKS1_type2() function for
    more details.

    The cleartext for this session key is recovered by checking  which
    is the  bigger public  modulus and  decrypting first  with the key
    corresponding to the bigger modulus and secondly with the  smaller
    one (in case of  a tie the server  key goes first).   This is done
    using the rsa_private_decrypt() function.

    When this is  done the server  computes the session  key, and does
    a XOR of the decrypted data with the computed session id to obtain
    the session key generated by the client.

    Finally the server sets the symmetric encryption scheme and key to
    the ones chosen by the  client, and sends a packet  describing the
    success to the client.

    This packet is the first  encrypted packet of the flow  secured by
    the symmetric algorithm.

    2.1.- Bleichenbacher's attack
    Daniel Bleichenbacher presented  an adaptive ciphertext  attack to
    RSA encryption  standard PKCS1_1.5  at the  Crypto 98  Conference,
    which  on  input  of  a  ciphertext  c,  outputs  the  cleartext m
    corresponding to this  ciphertext.  To  carry out this  attack the
    attacker needs to make  use of a decryption  oracle.  As we  shall
    see, this is automatically provided  by the RSA functions used  in
    SSH1 (or in the OpenSSL library used in OpenSSH).

    This is  the protocol  flaw that  enables the  attack we  present.
    Specifically, an attacker needs only to access an oracle that will
    answer  if  a  string   c'  calculated  by  her   is  or  is   not
    PKCS#1_1.5-format compliant, even less, she only needs to know  if
    it holds true  that the hexadecimal  representation of the  string
    (c')^d mod (n) starts with the octets 0x00 and 0x02 (here d is the
    private secret exponent and n the public modulus).

    To  decrypt  a  ciphertext  without  the private key, the attacker
    needs  to  access  to  this  oracle  2^{20}  times   (average-time
    complexity).  This estimation holds true for a 1024 bit key size.

    We  shall  not  explain  the  attack  in  detail.   To  decrypt  a
    ciphertext  c  an  attacker  will  need  to access the oracle with
    messages of the type

        c.s^e mod (n)

    where e and n are the public exponent and public modulus, and s is
    chosen by the attacker algorithm following certain rules.

    We refer to the that paper  for further details.  In each  step of
    the attack, the attacker finds a collection of intervals in  which
    the cleartext is contained, first starting with a big interval  of
    size 2^{1018}=2^{1024-16} and reducing it until a single  interval
    of size one - whose only member is the cleartext-  is left.

    2.2.- The attack on SSH-1
    Suppose that we are sniffing a connection between a client and the
    server.  We can then easily detect when this connection starts and
    get the packet containing the encrypted session key.  We can  then
    work in parallel, saving all successive packets exchanged  between
    server and  client, and  at the  same time  attempt a  session key
    decryption with the attack we present.

    Once the session key is decrypted all the saved encrypted  packets
    sent between  this client  and the  server can  be decrypted  in a
    straight-forward manner.

    To obtain  the session  key we  will make  use of Bleichenbacher's
    attack together with a simple timing attack technique.

    Let c := E_{K1}(E_{K2}(K))  denote the captured ciphertext,  where
    K1 and K2  are the server  and host key  (the order of  these keys
    does not  alter the  way in  which the  attack is  made, since the
    order  can  be  easily  deduced  as  we  explain  in the following
    section, we  suppose without  loss of  generality that  K1 is  the
    host key and K2 is the server key), K is the session key or rather
    the  plaintext  string  containing  the  session key, and E_{A}(B)
    denotes  RSA-PKCS1_1.5  encryption  of  the  cleartext B using the
    public key A.  The attack is divided in two main steps,

    Firstly the attacker will first attempt to recover E_{K2}(K)  from
    c  using  a  plain  Bleichenbacher  attack,  and  secondly  K   is
    calculated by  the attacker  from E_{K2}(K)  using a  reduction we
    explain  in  the  next  subsection  together with Bleichenbacher's

    Notice that the calls to the  function fatal() can be used as  the
    needed oracle.  Successful negotiation of  a session key will  end
    with the reception of a SSH_SMSG_SUCCESS packet at the client.   A
    failure will  end with  the connection  being shutdown  due to the
    calls    to    the    fatal()    function    from    within    the
    rash_private_decrypt() function.

    An attacker can -prior to  the attack- determine what is  the time
    needed for the server to reach the connection shutdown call in the
    fatal() function if the first encryption is not format  compliant,
    and what  is the  time needed  for the  server to  reach it if the
    first encryption is format compliant and the second encryption  is
    not.   This is  basically the  way of  retrieving answers from the
    oracle  and  it  implies  a  timing  attack  as  well  as  a   few
    modifications to Bleichenbacher's attack.

    To carry out the attack and  recover the session key the host  key
    needs to remain the same  during the attack, we suppose  that this
    is  the  case  and  shall  discuss  the feasibility of this in the
    following section.

    Suppose now that E_{K2}(K) is already calculated and known to  the
    attacker, and call  c':=E_{K2}(K).  The  attacker then uses  c' to
    recover  K.   To  do  this,  instead  of accessing the oracle with
    messages of  the form  c.s^e mod  (n), she  will access the oracle
    with messages of the form c'.s'^{e'} mod (n'), where c' is defined
    as c':=E_{K2}(K), and e' and n' are the second public exponent and
    modulus (corresponding to E_{K1}(-)), and s'  is chosen  following
    the same rules as defined by Bleichenbacher's attack.

    3. Implementation and Feasibility
    The estimation for the number of times needed to access the oracle
    on a adaptive ciphertext  Bleichenbacher's attack for a  1024 bits
    modulus is approximately  2^{20}, as we  said before.   This means
    that the server should handle about 2^{20} connections to make the
    first decryption, i.e.  to get E_{K2}(K).  After this is  done, to
    recover K,  another adaptive  ciphertext attack  of the  same sort
    should be carried out, with presumably less accesses to the oracle
    --say 2^{19}-- since the second key is smaller than the first one,
    to recover K.  Hence, to carry out the attack we present here,  an
    attacker should perform around (2^{20}+2^{19}) connections to  the
    server during the lifespan of a server key K (default is one hour)
    which implies a rate of oracle queries of around 400/sec.

    Limiting the number of simultaneous connections to the server will
    greatly reduce the feasibility of  this attack, this is in  fact a
    standard feature in at least the OpenSSH implementation of SSH-1.

    It is necessary  to note that  the attacker also  needs to perform
    crypto operations (RSA encryptions with a small exponent) for each
    query during the attack but those are computationally cheaper  the
    ones performed on the server side.

    This  seems  to  make  our  attack  infeasible  for  most   cases.
    nonetheless, high end servers are still a possible target for this
    attack.   It  is  also   worth  mentioning  that  the  number   of
    connections given  is   for the  average case  and specifics cases
    will fall below the average.

    We follow to  discuss other vulnerable  cases in which  our attack
    becomes feasible.

    An issue to be taken into account is the order of the keys K1  and
    K2, that is whether K1 is the  server key and K2 the host key,  or
    the other way around.  This issue, we deferred to this section, is
    of some importance to  our attack.  As  we mentioned the order  of
    the keys is changed to K2 for the host key, and K1 for the  server
    key in case the size of K2 is strictly greater than K1.

    In that case, the attacker  has limited time to recover  E_{K2}(K)
    (because  K1  has  a  default  timeout  of  one  hour), but has an
    indefinite amount of time to recover K from E_{K2}(K).  This would
    make  the  attack  easier  since  it  reduces the initial recovery
    attack to 2^{20} oracle queries within an hour.  The second  phase
    could be done at a much slower connection rate.

    It might  also happen  that the  public modulus  n is much smaller
    than the specified  values, and this  lucky stroke would  speed up
    the attack considerably.

    Another  issue  to  be  taken  into  account,  is when the default
    settings for the server key timeout are changed increasing the key
    lifespan and  thus the  time window  for the  attack.   It is  not
    likely, however, that the default  settings for the key size  will
    be purposely reduced.

    There is also  a technology or  rather server efficiency  issue to
    be taken into account.  Although the average case of the attack we
    present seems  infeasible today,  this might  not be  the case for
    specific attacks that  deviates from the  average or for  specific
    attack scenarios en the present or the near future.

    The  conclusion  of  this  report  is  that  although  the  attack
    described might not be a  direct threat to the wide  audience that
    relies  on  SSH1  for  secure  network  communications,  there is,
    nonetheless an exploitable flaw in the SSH-1 key exchange protocol
    that should be either fixed or addressed during the deployment  of
    SSH as a security component.


    The  vulnerability  is  present  in  OpenSSH  up to version 2.3.0,
    although it is not possible to exploit it due to limits imposed on
    the number of  simultaneous connections the  server is allowed  to
    handle.  Nonetheless, Markus  Friedl of   has produced
    a patch that sets  a random session key  if RSA operations on  the
    session key sent by the client fail.  This effectively solved  the
    problem by closing the oracle  that leaks information.  The  patch
    was integrated to the OpenSSH source tree on January 29, 2001

    The default configuration of the AppGate server is not  vulnerable
    since it has SSH-1 support  disabled.  However it is  possible for
    administrators to enable SSH-1 backwards compatibility to be  able
    to use legacy clients.   Those customers should apply the  patches
    prepared.  Patches can be downloaded from the AppGate support web.

    The Mindbright  ssh1-server is  only an  experimental product  and
    they are not aware of anybody actually using it, it has never been
    sold or available as  a separate entity.   Since it is written  in
    java it will need  a really extreme machine  to be able to  handle
    the load needed to exploit this vulnerability.  Anybody who  feels
    that they need a patch for it is welcome to contact them.

    ssh-1 up to version 1.2.31  is vulnerable.  The official  response
    from follows:
    - SSH1 is deprecated and does not support it anymore,  the
      official response is upgrade to SSH2
    - The  SSH1  compatibility  code  built  into  SSH-2.4.0    always
      executes a fresh copy of  SSHD1, which causes the server  key to
      be regenerated for  every connection.   Thus, the attack  is not
      at  all  feasible  when  using  SSH1  with  an  SSH2  server  in
      compatibility mode.  Ssh-2.4.0  also includes code for  limiting
      the maximum number of simultaneous connections.  The maximum  is
      controlled by the MaxConnections flag in  /etc/ssh2/sshd2_config
      or  with  the  --with-ssh-connection-limit=<limit>  compile-time
      configure option.  However, as noted, the limit is not  required
      for protection when using SSH1 with SSHD2 in compatibility mode.

    For Debian: