

    Linux, SunOS (others?)


    Ivo  van  der  Wijk  posted  following.   To understund it in all,
    you'll have to read ssh #3 from 'mUNIXes' section. (if you  missed
    it, adding a line like:

        LocalForward 80 remotehost:80

    to  your  $HOME/.ssh/config  will  forward  a priviliged port to a
    remote port, whithout needing root).

    Anyway, after appling fix the bug still works when using 2^16 + 80
    (ie. 16 bit wrap). Make sure that if you decide not to remove  the
    suid-root bit, but patch ssh itself, not to make this mistake.  If
    you did so, Ivo found something new.

    On host1,  you open  an ssh  connection to  a machine running sshd
    where you have  a working account  using -R (RemoteForward,  which
    is somewhat the opposite of LocalForward, but behaves the same  in
    this case) like this:

        host1$ ssh -R
        ivo's passord:

    (in this case, 65621 is equal to 2^16+85, i.e. port 85, the  other
    ports were in  use.  And  sshd on  will hapilly forward
    priviliged port to!


    Thamer Al-Herbish posted patch. These are against 1.2.17.

    Common subdirectories: ssh-1.2.17/gmp-2.0.2-ssh-2 and ssh-fixed-1.2.17/gmp-2.0.2-ssh-2
    diff -c ssh-1.2.17/newchannels.c ssh-fixed-1.2.17/newchannels.c
    *** ssh-1.2.17/newchannels.c    Wed Oct 30 04:27:54 1996
    --- ssh-fixed-1.2.17/newchannels.c      Sat Aug 23 14:19:29 1997
    *** 1247,1252 ****
    --- 1247,1256 ----

        /* Check that an unprivileged user is not trying to forward a privileged
           port. */
    +   if (port > 65535)
    +     packet_disconnect("Requested port is %d is invalid",port);
        if (port < 1024 && !is_root)
          packet_disconnect("Requested forwarding of port %d but user is not root.",
    diff -c ssh-1.2.17/readconf.c ssh-fixed-1.2.17/readconf.c
    *** ssh-1.2.17/readconf.c       Wed Oct 30 04:27:53 1996
    --- ssh-fixed-1.2.17/readconf.c Sat Aug 23 14:29:08 1997
    *** 389,394 ****
    --- 389,400 ----
            fatal("%.200s line %d: Badly formatted port number.",
                  filename, linenum);
            fwd_port = atoi(cp);
    +       if(fwd_port < 1024 && original_real_uid)
    +       fatal("Port %d may only be forwarded by root.",fwd_port);
    +       if(fwd_port > 65535)
    +       fatal("Port %d is illegal",fwd_port);
            cp = strtok(NULL, WHITESPACE);
            if (!cp)
            fatal("%.200s line %d: Missing second argument.",
    *** 408,413 ****
    --- 414,425 ----
            fatal("%.200s line %d: Badly formatted port number.",
                  filename, linenum);
            fwd_port = atoi(cp);
    +       if(fwd_port < 1024 && original_real_uid)
    +       fatal("Port %d may only be forwarded by root.",fwd_port);
    +       if(fwd_port > 65535)
    +       fatal("Port %d is illegal",fwd_port);
            cp = strtok(NULL, WHITESPACE);
            if (!cp)
            fatal("%.200s line %d: Missing second argument.",
    diff -c ssh-1.2.17/ssh.c ssh-fixed-1.2.17/ssh.c
    *** ssh-1.2.17/ssh.c    Wed Oct 30 04:27:54 1996
    --- ssh-fixed-1.2.17/ssh.c      Sat Aug 23 14:18:59 1997
    *** 483,488 ****
    --- 483,499 ----
    +         if(fwd_port > 65535)  {
    +           fprintf(stderr,"Illegal port specified %d\n",fwd_port);
    +           exit(1);
    +         }
    +         if (fwd_port < 1024 && original_real_uid != 0)  {
    +           fprintf(stderr,
    +                   "Privileged ports can only be forwarded by root.\n");
    +           exit(1);
    +         }
              add_remote_forward(&options, fwd_port, buf, fwd_host_port);

    *** 496,503 ****
              if (fwd_port < 1024 && original_real_uid != 0)
    !             fprintf(stderr,
    !                     "Privileged ports can only be forwarded by root.\n");
              add_local_forward(&options, fwd_port, buf, fwd_host_port);
    --- 507,517 ----
              if (fwd_port < 1024 && original_real_uid != 0)
    !             if(fwd_port > 65535)
    !               fprintf(stderr,"Ilegal port specified %d\n",fwd_port);
    !             else
    !               fprintf(stderr,
    !                       "Privileged ports can only be forwarded by root.\n");
              add_local_forward(&options, fwd_port, buf, fwd_host_port);
    Common subdirectories: ssh-1.2.17/zlib-1.0.3 and ssh-fixed-1.2.17/zlib-1.0.3