

    HP 10.10, DU, IRIX 5.3, 6.2, 6.3, Solaris, SunOS 4.x, Win9x and NT
    (with  NN),  FORE  PowerHub,   some  CISCOs,  FakeBo,   Omni-NFS/X
    Enterprise version 6.1 (nfsd.exe)


    Sherwood Botsford and Lamont Granquist found following.  Using
    nmap v2.0, you may take down some machines.  For a HP, do:

        nmap -O

    and  it  will  be  enough  to  crash HP box.  Another nmap-induced
    denial-of-service is  against many  machines inetd's  when doing a
    TCP connect()  scan (-sT)  with the  result of  killing the  inetd
    process.   Lamont  found  that  Digital  Unix  and  Irix have been
    vulnerable to this.  He  confirmed that it happens in  response to
    a connect()  scan and  not any  other TCP  scan type  and that  it
    sometimes occurs immediately following  a connect() scan when  the
    inetd had been verified immediately previously to be running fine.
    Solaris versions earlier than Solaris  7 are affected.  Irix  5.3,
    6.2, 6.3 inetd's dies by:

        nmap-1.51 with -vv

    while Irix 6.5SE inetd's die with (same goes for UNICOS 10 inetd's
    *may* die):

        nmap-1.51 -F

    SunOS 4.1.3 reboots when scanned by:

        nmap-1.51 with -vv

    nmap scanner will also killthe  hfaxd daemon.  This was  confirmed
    using nmap -sS and running hylafax-4.0.

    A  vulnerability  also  exists  in  the Novell Intranetware Client
    version  (as  distributed  with  Novell  Netware 5) which
    affects all Windows 95 and Windows 98 systems on which the  Novell
    Intranetware Client version is installed.  Windows 95  and
    Windows 98 systems with  the Novell Intranetware Client  installed
    experience a critical  error (Blue Screen)  when scanned with  the
    popular  port-scanner  tool  "nmap"  in  "half-open" scanning mode
    (-sS).  Specifically, the  vulnerable service in the  Intranetware
    client is the SLP Request service on TCP port 427.  The command

        nmap -sS -p427

    which  scans  only  port  427  on  the  target  system  with a TCP
    half-open  sequence,  causes  an  immediate Blue Screen condition.
    This condition is  recoverable; however subsequently  the affected
    system loses all TCP  network connectivity.  Similarly,  any "nmap
    -sS" scan which  includes port 427  in the range  of scanned ports
    causes the same fault (on  most systems this includes the  default
    scan with no ports specified).   NT platform seems to be  affected
    as well.

    More fun with -Ss.  Nmap 2.01++ can crash microsoft winnt telnetd.
    Only need to  have option -sS  enabled when scanning...   You will
    get a aplication  popup with message  like this -  program made an
    illegal operation.   Same goes  for FORE  PowerHub, 7-
    It hangs for about 80 seconds when scanned with nmap -sS -O  (nmap

    For CISCO stuff, see Cisco #15 in Others section.

    Neoware's X-Terminal goes  nuts too. Not  that NetOS 2.0.1  is not
    current.  X-terminal information:

                      Model: @work Prima
                 Main Board: NC1
                        CPU: i960 CF 25 MHz
             Video selector: 7 (V19CT)   Jumpers: 2  (mon=7,jpr=2)
                  Video Osc: 5.000 MHz
          Video Pixel Clock: 130.0 MHz
              Keyboard type: IBM
           Main memory size: 4 MB
           SIMM memory size: 12 MB
          Video memory size: 2048 KB
                   NVM size: 2 KB
          Flash memory size: None
           Ethernet address: 00:80:96:XX:XX

         Base configuration: BA-J2710B3-XXX
                Description: @25 V19CT 16M 8B2

        Server Code Version: 2.0.1-D (Build 504)
     PLCC Boot PROM Version: 2.0.2 (Build 520)
     netOS Version: 2.0.1

    What about FakeBo?  Well, let's take a look:

        nofx:~ # nmap -sS localhost -p 12345

        Starting nmap V. 2.03 by Fyodor (,
        Interesting ports on localhost (
        Port    State       Protocol  Service
        12345   open        tcp        unknown

        nofx:~ # nmap -sS localhost -p 12345

        Starting nmap V. 2.03 by Fyodor (,
        No ports open for host localhost (
        Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0 seconds

    So it seems a simple tcp SYN stealth port scan causes fakebo 0.3.1
    to crash.

    Omni-NFS/X  Enterprise   is  a  X,  NFS  server solution for win32
    systems.   It is  written by  XLink Technology   The nfs  daemon (
    nfsd.exe ) used by Omni-NFS/X will  jump to 100% cpu usage if  you
    scan it using nmap with ether  the -O (OS detect) or the  -sS (TCP
    SYN (half open))


    The work-around for the nmap user is to never use connect() scans,
    and to explicitly use -sS (or  one of the other stealth scans)  in
    conjunction with -O.  There is no workaround for the system  admin
    of the scanned system.

    SGI  recommends  turning  off  the   tcpmux  and  echo  ports   in
    /etc/inetd.conf.   The bug  is fixed  in IRIX  6.5.2, according to

    A simple  interim workaround  for nmap-kills-inetd  is to  replace
    inetd invokations with

        ( trap "" 13; exec /path/to/inetd )

    or, under Solaris

        ( trap "" 13; exec /usr/sbin/inetd -s )

    this  causes  SIGPIPE  to  be  ignored.  Unfortunately, it is also
    ignored for  inetd's children.  This may  cause some  problems for
    services which run under inetd that expect SIGPIPE.  Removing  all
    internal tcp services from inetd.conf will help too

        time    stream  tcp     nowait  root    internal
        echo    stream  tcp     nowait  root    internal
        discard stream  tcp     nowait  root    internal
        daytime stream  tcp     nowait  root    internal
        chargen stream  tcp     nowait  root    internal

    In fact, only the  "time", "daytime" functions are  affected. (the
    other three fork).

    Novell eliminated this with the  Win95/98 v3.1 client (now at  SP2
    as of 10/03/1999).  See Novell TID2948363 at

    for details.

    Powerhub Software  5.0.1 (11193)  fixes the  problems relating  to
    nmap, as well as cheops/queso scans.  The 5.0.1 software  requires
    the PH7000 have a "packet  accelerator", so it wasn't possible  to
    install  it  on  non-accelerated  hardware.   To  solve  this Fore
    back-ported the fixes and rolled a new release (