

    Digital Equipment
    MIT-distributed for Athena
    Open Software Foundation


    Some telnet  daemons support  RFC 1408  or RFC  1572, both  titled
    "Telnet  Environment  Option."  This  extension to telnet provides
    the ability to transfer  environment variables from one  system to
    another. If the  remote or targeted  system, the one  to which the
    telnet is  connecting, is  running an  RFC 1408/RFC 1572-compliant
    telnet  daemon  *and*  the  targeted  system  also supports shared
    object libraries, then it may be possible to transfer  environment
    variables that influence  the login program  called by the  telnet
    daemon. By influencing  that targeted system,  a user may  be able
    to  bypass  the  normal  login  and  authentication scheme and may
    become root on that system.

    Users  with  accounts  on  the  targeted  system  can exploit this
    vulnerability.  Users  without  accounts  on  that system can also
    exploit this vulnerability  if they are  first able to  deposit an
    altered  shared   object  library   onto  the   targeted   system.
    Therefore, a system  may be vulnerable  to users with  and without
    local accounts.

    Not all  systems that  run an  RFC 1408/RFC  1572-compliant telnet
    daemon and  support shared  object libraries  are vulnerable. Some
    vendors  have  changed  the  trust  model  such  that  environment
    variables  provided  by  the  telnet  daemon  are  not trusted and
    therefore are not used by the login program. Section III  contains
    a summary of information vendors  have reported as of the  date of
    this advisory.

    For  Suns,  the  easiest  way  to  check  is  this (using a modern
    telnet client):

        % telnet
        telnet> env define LD_PRELOAD /no-such-file
        telnet> env export LD_PRELOAD
        telnet> open host
        Trying A.B.C.D...
        Connected to host.
        Escape character is '^]'.

        UNIX(r) System V Release 4.0 (host) login: fatal: /no-such-file: can't open file: errno=2
        Connection closed by foreign host.

    For IRIX :

        # telnet
        telnet> environ define _RLD_ROOT /tmp
        telnet> environ export _RLD_ROOT
        telnet> o localhost
        Connected to
        Escape character is '^]'.

        IRIX System V.4 (xxx)

        7480:login:  rld:  Fatal  Error:  cannot  map  soname  ''
        using any of the filenames

        either the file does not exist  or the file is not mappable  (with
        reason indica ted  in previous msg)  Connection closed by  foreign
        host.  #

    _RLD_ROOT isn't  the only  variable that  the runtime  linker will
    understand, I just picked this one  as a good example.  If  you do
    a 'tog opt' in telnet before you open the connection to  localhost
    you  can  watch  the  option  negotiation  and  see  the _RLD_ROOT
    variable being passed.

    Paolo Rocchi posted following.  The telnetd daemon installed under
    DEC  OSF/1  (v2.0  through  V3.2c)  is  vulnerable to a local root
    compromise and, if the user is "able to deposit an altered  shared
    object  library  onto  the  targeted  system",  to  a  remote root
    compromise.  Example codes  have been publicly made  available for
    various  operating  systems.   Starting  from  those sources it is
    possible to obtain  super-user privileges exploiting  a particular
    environment variable.  Details follow:

        file.c -> shared object source code (based upon existing examples)

    To build the library under DEC OSF/1 V3.2:

        cc -c file.c
        ld -shared -no_archive -o -set_version osf.1 file.o -lc

        telnet> env def _RLD_LIST /tmp/
        telnet> env exp _RLD_LIST
        telnet> o localhost


    If you have installed a previous version of Mr. Borman's telnet
    package, note that he has fixed this problem in the version
    available at the following location:

    CYGNUS Network Security V4 Free Network Release
        cns-95q1 is vulnerable.   cns-95q4 is not vulnerable.
        Customers can use the following URL to obtain the patch:

    Digital Equipment Corporation
        Digital's OSF/1 ia vulnerable, while ULTRIX not.  Digital  has
        corrected this potential vulnerability. Patches containing new
        images for  Digital's OSF/1  platforms are  being provided  to
        your  normal  Digital  Support  channels.   The  kits  may  be
        identified as ECO SSRT0367 (telnetd) for DEC OSF/1  V2.0  thru

        Patched in newer release.

        Newer versions  corrected it.   All Debian  Installations that
        use a netstd package  version prior to v1.21-1  are vulnerable
        netstd-1.21-1 and above are ok.  There is also fix for  RedHat
        2.0 and Slackware.

    MIT-distributed Athena telnet/telnet95
        Patches available in:

        beta4-3.patch is  the patch  versus the  Beta 4  patch level 3
        distribution of Kerberos v5.  beta5.patch is the patch  versus
        the Beta 5 distribution of Kerberos V5.

    NEC Corporation
    Some NEC systems are vulnerable:

               OS               Version        Patch
        ================     ===========    ==============
        EWS-UX/V(Rel4.2MP)   R10.x            NECmas001

        UP-UX/V(Rel4.2MP)    R5.x - R7.x      NECu5s001

        UX/4800              R11.x            NECmbs002

        NetBSD 1.0 is vulnerable; NetBSD 1.1 is not.  Patch exists.

    Open Software Foundation
        OSF/1 version 1.3 is not vulnerable.

        OpenVision has a patch for the telnetd in OpenV*Secure 1.2 and
        will contact its customers directly.

    Silicon Graphics
    For the IRIX operating  systems versions 5.0.x, 5.1.x,  an upgrade
    to 5.2 or better is required first.  When the upgrade is completed
    then the patches for IRIX 5.2, 5.3, 6.0, and 6.0.1 can be applied.
    The patch is number  1020 and will install  on IRIX 5.2, 5.3,  6.0
    and  6.0.1.   For  the  IRIX  6.1,  an  inst-able  patch  has been
    generated and made available.   The patch is number 1010  and will
    install on IRIX 6.1.