TCP Timestamping




    Following is based on a paper called TCP Timestamping -  Obtaining
    System Uptime Remotely by Bret McDanel.

    TCP Timestamping can  be used to  retrieve information about  your
    system  that  you  may  not  wish  to  be  public.   Bret  started
    investigating  this  after  some  discussion  of NetCraft's server
    uptime stats, and their reliability.  Ant Mitchell was very polite
    in telling him NetCraft would  not disclose how they obtain  these
    figures, only that  he feels they  are reliable.   So Bret started
    looking  into  how  they  could  get  this  information.   What he
    discovered was TCP  Timestamping is equal  to the uptime  (after a
    fashion)  of  many  systems,  and  as  such  can  give  you  extra
    information about the running system.

    What is  Timestamping?   How can  it be  used to  gain information
    about a running system?   Timestamping is a TCP option,  which may
    be set, and if set takes 12 bytes in the header (for each  packet)
    in addition to the 20 bytes a TCP header normally takes.  This  is
    exclusive  of  any  other  options.   What  good is this overhead?
    According to RFC1323:
        "The timestamps  are used  for two  distinct mechanisms:  RTTM
         (Round  Trip  Time  Measurement)  and  PAWS  (Protect Against
         Wrapped Sequences).".

    Bret suggest that anyone interested in TCP Timestamps read RFC1323
    (these  are  not  the  IP  timestamping  options).   The fact that
    timestamping exists isn't anything special in itself, but how  the
    value  is  populated  and  how  the  value  is  set  is   somewhat
    - 4.4BSD increments the timestamp clock once every 500ms and  this
      timestamp clock is reset to 0  on a reboot  -- TCP/IP  ILLUS v1,
    - The timestamp value to be sent in TSval is to be obtained from a
      (virtual) clock that we call the "timestamp clock".  Its  values
      must be  at least  approximately proportional  to real  time, in
      order to measure actual RTT.  -- RFC1323 May 1992

    Note that  the RFC  does not  dictate that  the timestamp clock be
    tied to system uptime, so any system that doesn't conform to  this
    is perfectly valid  (ie Windows 2000).   Additionally the rate  at
    which  each  system  increments  the  clock  need not be disclosed
    either, as the timestamp value  is only echoed back to  the sender
    for the sender to process.

    This means that in 4.4BSD we can use this number to directly  tell
    the time that a system has been up.   All we have to do is make  a
    connection  and  record  the  received  timestamp.   Not  everyone
    implements timestamping  this way  however.   This yields  various
    results  on  different  operating  systems.   Linux  for  instance
    increments every 1 ms, Cisco IOS increments every .1 ms.   Windows
    95/98/NT4 do not support Timestamping (although rumor has it  that
    there is  a patch  to enable  RFC1323 functionality  on 95/98/NT4)
    Win2k does, but this value does not appear to be directly  related
    to uptime.  This  means that in order  to tell the uptime  we need
    to know  what OS  we are  looking at,  or at  the very  least make
    multiple connections and try to guess what the increment is  based
    on elapsed time vs increment.

    There  are  some  limitations  to  using this method for recording
    uptime.  Certain  systems have a  maximum limit on  how long their
    'uptime' can be.  The timestamp  is a 32 bit number (signed).   As
    such it will  overflow into the  sign bit after  2147483647 ticks.
    Based on the number of ticks per second, you can easily  determine
    when this will roll over.

        (leap year included)
        OS			Ticks/sec	Rollover time
        4.4BSD                     2            34 years,   8 days, 17:27:27
        Solaris 2                 10             6 years, 293 days, 22:53:00
        Linux 2.2+               100                      248 days, 13:13:56
        Cisco IOS               1000                       24 days, 20:31:23

    One can  also map  out the  number of  systems in  a load balanced
    environment by  connecting repeatedly  to the  group of  machines,
    and inspecting the Timestamps.   For each different time you  have
    a different machine.

    RFC1323 talks about the frequency the 'timestamp clock' should  be
        The receiver  algorithm does  place some  requirements on  the
        frequency of the timestamp clock.
        (a) The timestamp clock must not be "too slow".
            It must tick at least once for each 2**31 bytes sent.   In
            fact, in order to be  useful to the sender for  round trip
            timing, the clock should  tick at least once  per window's
            worth of data, and even with the RFC-1072 window extension
            2**31 bytes must be at least two windows.

            To make  this more quantitative, any  clock faster  than 1
            tick/sec  will  reject  old  duplicate  segments  for link
            speeds of  ~8 Gbps.   A 1ms  timestamp clock  will work at
            link speeds up to 8 Tbps (8*10**12) bps!

        (b) The timestamp clock must not be "too fast".
            Its recycling time must be greater than MSL seconds. Since
            the clock (timestamp) is 32 bits and the worst-case MSL is
            255 seconds, the maximum acceptable clock frequency is one
            tick every 59 ns.

            However,  it  is  desirable  to  establish  a  much longer
            recycle period, in order to handle outdated timestamps  on
            idle connections (see Section 4.2.3), and to relax the MSL
            requirement  for  preventing  sequence number wrap-around.
            With a  1 ms  timestamp clock,  the 32-bit  timestamp will
            wrap its sign bit in 24.8 days.  Thus, it will reject  old
            duplicates on the same connection  if MSL is 24.8 days  or
            less.  This appears  to be a very  safe figure; an MSL  of
            24.8 days or longer can probably be assumed by the gateway
            system without  requiring precise  MSL enforcement  by the
            TTL value in the IP layer.

        Based upon these considerations,  we choose a timestamp  clock
        frequency in the  range 1 ms  to 1 sec  per tick.   This range
        also matches  the requirements  of the  RTTM mechanism,  which
        does not  need much  more resolution  than the  granularity of
        the retransmit timer, e.g., tens or hundreds of milliseconds.

    As you can see  all of these systems  are within the RFC  in their
    timings, however varied.  It  has come to the attention  that nmap
    2.54beta20 released March 09, 2001 included support for  detecting
    (multiple pass, guess at tick rate) uptimes.

    If you want to  quickly get the Timestamp  value, you can fire  up
    tcpdump, and watch  for it.   Here is an  example of what  you may
    see and how to interpret the data:

        > myhost.12345 > theirhost.22: . 1:1(0) ack 1 win 5840
                                       <nop,nop,timestamp 6426701 865450440> (DF)

    The timestamps  are located  near the  end of  the line, where the
    TCP Options are printed.  The first timestamp is sent by 'myhost',
    the second is  what 'theirhost' last  sent us (we  are expected to
    return that to them).   The numbers are the  number of ticks  that
    have accumulated in the 'timestamp  clock' and if the OS  supports
    it, can reveal an uptime.

    Included below are information obtained by Bret and several people
    running various OSs that let  me scan them and compare  the actual
    uptime vs the timestamp  returned.  We do  not have access to  all
    systems to  test, however  Bret tried  to include  as much  vendor
    information on RFC1323 compliance as reasonably possible.

    If  you  are  considering  disabling  timestamping  on your system
    please read RFC1323  for more information  (especially if you  are
    on a fast network).

    * Windows
      - Win2k  sends  the  timestamp  after  the syn/ack handshake  is
        complete (sends 0 TS during the 3-way handshake)
      - 95/98 does not support TS
      - NT 3.5/4 does not support TS
      - 2000 increment every 100ms initial number random

    * Linux
      - Sends TS on first packet replied to - default always get TS
      - To disable echo 0 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_timestamps
      - To enable echo 1 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_timestamps
      - Increments 100 ticks/sec
      - 2.0.x does not support TCP Timestamps
      - 2.1.90+ Supports Timestamps
      - 2.2.x Supports Timestamps
      - 2.4.x Supports Timestamps

    * 4.4BSD - OpenBSD BSDi BSD/OS (2.1 & 3.0) FreeBSD (2.1.5)
      - To enable/disable sysctl -w TCPCTL_DO_RFC1323={true,false}
      - Or sysctl -w net.inet.tcp.rfc1323={true,false}
      - 4.4BSD spec is applied, 2 ticks/sec

    * MacOS (Open Transport)
      - Supports Timestamps

    * Novell Netware
      - 5 Does not support Timestamps

    * IRIX
      - 5.3+ Support Timestamps
      - 5.3-6.1 /var/sysgen/master.d/bsd contains the kernel variables
        after editing you must use /etc/autoconfig and reboot (WTF!)
      - 6.5  edit  /var/sysgen/mtune/bsd  or  use  systune (like  BSDs
        sysctl) tickrate 2/sec

    * HPUX
      - 9.x No (9.05 and 9.07 have patches to support Timestamps)
      - To enable you must poke the kernel variable tcp_dont_tsecho to
      - 10.00,01,10,20,30 Support Timestamps
      - 11 Enabled by default

    * AIX
      - 3.2 & 4.1 Support Timestamps
      - Tunable via the 'no' command

    * SunOS
      - 4.1.4 No (May be purchased as a Sun Consulting Special)

    * Solaris
      - To Enable
      - 2.5 No (May be purchased as a Sun Consulting Special)
      - 2.6  may be  uptime but  rolls over  quickly, increments  1000
      - 2.7  tickrate 100/sec  (its not  exactly uptime  there was a 5
        minute skew on a 112 day uptime)
      - 8 it is uptime, 100 ticks/second
      - to enable ndd /dev/tcp tcp_tstamp_always 1
      - If  the parameter  is set  (non-zero), then  the TCP timestamp
        option will always be negotiated during connection initiation.
        The scale option will always be used if the remote system sent
        a timestamp option during  connection initiation.  To  use the
        timestamp, both hosts have to support RFC 1323.

    * ios (cisco)
      - By default disabled To change   [no] ip tcp timestamp
      - Bret tested  only against a  Cisco 2524 running  12.0(9) cisco
        2524 (68030) processor (revision J) with 14336K/2048K bytes of
      - Updates 1000 ticks/sec resets to 0 at boot

    * comos (livingston/lucent portmasters)
      - Do not support TS

    * Netopia
      - Do not support TS

    * ConvexOS
      - 11.0 Supports Timestamps

    * CRI Unicos
      - 8.0 Supports Timestamps

    * (Compaq) Digital Unix
      - 3.2 & 4.0 Does not support Timestamps

    Bret did his testing under linux, and in order to easily  retrieve
    the  remote  Timestamp  he  had  to  make  a  small kernel change.
    Because he  is running  2.4.x and  a lot  of people  may not  Bret
    documented  this  as  generically  as  possible,  note this should
    work fairly  easily on  2.2 kernels  however your  results may  be
    different (therefore we  are not responsible  if you choose  to do
    this and it breaks  *anything*, use at your  own risk).  If  these
    directions are  not clear  enough then  you probably  shouldn't be
    editing your kernel.   We could have  included diffs, however  2.2
    kernels are quite different so  line numbers would not match,  and
    Bret  has  other  mods  that  would  prevent  patch  from  working
    correctly anyway.

    Here is  what Bret  did; all  of these  start at  your kernel root
    directory (ie /usr/src/linux)

        include/linux/tcp.h  -- Add the following to the section 'TCP socket options'
        #define TCP_RCV_TIMESTAMP	12	/* The received Timestamp */
        #define TCP_SND_TIMESTAMP	13	/* The sent Timestamp */
        net/ipv4/tcp.c  -- Add to the routine tcp_getsockopt() in the select statement
	        case TCP_RCV_TIMESTAMP:
                  if (tp->tstamp_ok)
                    val = tp->rcv_tsval;
                    val = 0;
	        case TCP_SND_TIMESTAMP:
                  if (tp->tstamp_ok)
                    val = tp->rcv_tstamp;
                    val = 0;

    Remake your kernel and reboot.   Now you need a program that  will
    connect  and  display  the  timestamps..   That is fairly straight
    forward now.

    #include <sys/socket.h>
    #include <netinet/in.h>
    #include <arpa/inet.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <netdb.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <errno.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <unistd.h>
    #include <netinet/tcp.h>
    #define TCP_RCV_TIMESTAMP 12 /* The received Timestamp */
    #define TCP_SND_TIMESTAMP 13 /* The sent Timestamp */
    int connserver(char *host,int port)
      int sd,addr,flag=1;
      struct hostent *he;
      struct sockaddr_in sa;
      /* try to resolve the host */
      if((addr=inet_addr(host))!= -1) {/* dotted decimal */
        memcpy(&sa.sin_addr,(char *)&addr,sizeof(addr));
      } else {
        if((he=gethostbyname(host))==NULL) {
          printf("Unable to resolve %s\n",host);
      if((sd=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0))<0) {
      /* make sure that we use timestamping if the kernel has it defaulted to not send them
       * This is not required for the linux systems I have seen as they always try to
       * negotiate timestamps if they are enabled in the kernel, but better safe than
       * wondering why it doesn't work
      if(setsockopt(sd, IPPROTO_TCP, TCPOPT_TIMESTAMP, (char *) &flag, sizeof(int))<0)
        perror("setsockopt TCP_TIMESTAMP");
      if(connect(sd,(struct sockaddr *)&sa,sizeof(sa))<0) {
    unsigned int get_ts(char *host,int port)
      int optsize=sizeof(long);
      unsigned int l;
      char buff[15];
      int sd;
      if((sd=connserver(host,port))==-1) exit(0);
      if (!getsockopt(sd, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_RCV_TIMESTAMP, &l, &optsize)) {
        if(l!=0) {
        } else {
          /* Win2k workaround, If we are here, either the box doesnt support
           * Timestamps or its win2k which sends a 0 TS in the handshake
          sprintf(buff,"ooga booga\n");
          /* wait for data
           * potential problem with it hanging forever if no data is returned
          while(!recv(sd,buff,sizeof(buff),0)) ;
          if (!getsockopt(sd, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_RCV_TIMESTAMP, &l, &optsize)) {
	    return(l); /* 0 if remote system doesnt support Timestamping */
          } else perror("getsockopt");
      } else perror("getsockopt");
    int main(int argc, char **argv)
      int ts1,ts2,tickrate;
      int sec,min,hour,day;
      if(argc!=3) {
        printf("Usage: %s <ip> <port>\n",argv[0]);
      sleep(1); /* wait for the remote system to increment the counter a bit */
      printf("TimeStamp1: %d\n",ts1);
      printf("TimeStamp2: %d\n",ts2);
      printf("Unmodified tickrate %d\n",tickrate);
      /* compensate for network delays +-30% */
      if(tickrate) {
        if(tickrate<1300 && tickrate > 700) tickrate=1000;
        else if(tickrate<130 && tickrate > 70) tickrate=100;
        else if(tickrate<30 && tickrate > 7) tickrate=10;
        else if(tickrate<4 && tickrate > 1) tickrate=2;
        else printf("Unknown tickrate - will try but may be incorrect\n");
        printf("%s (Tickrate %d/sec) Uptime: %u days, %02d:%02d:%02d\n",argv[1],tickrate,day,hour,min,sec);
      } else
        printf("The remote system does not appear to support TCP Timestamping\n");
      return(0); /* as per C89 spec main() returns an int */

    For people who want to explore this without kernel recompilation
    and for those who aren't using Linux, this remote-uptime
    capability has been available to Nmap users (using raw TCP
    packets) for more than a month.  Troels Walsted Hansen posted a
    patch to the nmap-dev list on Feb. 3.

    Another  under-exploited  TCP/IP  property  is  IP.ID  prediction.
    Antirez and others have posted  in recent years about the  fun you
    can have with  systems that simply  increment this field  for each
    packet  sent.   Yet  most  operating  sytems  remain   vulnerable.
    Recent  versions  of  Nmap  will  report  on this with the "-O -v"

    One other known TCP/IP sequencing problem is ISN prediction.  Over
    the years this hole has been gradually declining.  Lately we  have
    seen that  even Cisco  has began  to recognize  the problem!   But
    there are still  plenty of susceptible  machines out there.   Nmap
    offers a report on this as well (not a new feature).


    Nothing yet.